View Profile RoobyKillAll
I'm a full time, all season roofer, but I can do pretty much any type of art you give me. Flash, music, paints, pencils, you name it, I can probably do it. I rap under the name Ratrap now. Check my tunes.

Ratrap @RoobyKillAll

Age 35, Male

Flat roofer


Joined on 10/12/04

Exp Points:
19,710 / 20,530
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.37 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


P.S. I like how everyday you get 1 more vote and all your scores go up, yes I stalk your page, cuz I like to know who's dropin 0's

Holy fuck man... do you honestly have nothing better to do than come here and drop retarded comments. Man, people listen to my shit. I have our "beat battle" on a cd and it's been floating around town. I'm not fucking surprised that people are dropping votes. Like, honestly man I've been chillin' with my girlfriend the past week and a half in Brantford. Do you honestly think I could be fucking arsed to touch your pathetic fucking piece of shit tracks. Don't get all fuckin' bent out of shape just because people I personally know go and do this on their own time. People just fucking know about this okay and it's not going away. I don't have any control over whatever the fuck people do. All I did was provide links to our shit and asked people to vote honestly just to show you how fucked up you are. Your raps are so fucking pathetic I can't even believe I wasted my time and my rhymes on such a bullshit "rapper". Beef's over man you just look like a fucking moron denying facts and coming here to comment on my page, even after deleting what, like 10 of your stupid fucking responses.

Buddy, I'm fucking 19 I have better things to do than go around dropping 0's unlike you and your fuckin' lamewad rap crews n shit. It's funny because before any of this happened all my tracks were sittin' at decent scores so don't you fucking dare start saying I'm playing your little game. Yes my vote's worth like, 3 times yours. But it's all the little people who make the differences here. Now get your fucking 16 year old ass off my page, leave with your goddamn tail between your legs and finally fucking realize how big of a goddamn loser you are for trying to drag out an internet beef on Newgrounds.

You are on NEWGROUNDS. You fucking loser kid go rap in the streets or at some local shows, work on ya flow, and fuckin' get on with life. God, you're 16 man pull your head out of your fucking ass.

I didn't know chilling with your girlfriend means have to go back to school and that's why I don't have time to loose to BN in Canadian, guess you learn something new everyday. As for you sending out the link to people you know, that's people you know, no shit they're gonna choose you over me... I don't think any1 fails at life that bad that their friends pick a stranger over their friend....
And as for the CD, I hope you put a warning sign saying "warning: my horrible rap skills might make ur ears bleed"
Oh and said:Buddy, I'm fucking 19 I have better things to do than go around dropping 0's unlike you and your fuckin' lamewad rap crews n shit.
When before that you said: All I did was provide links to our shit and asked people to vote honestly just to show you how fucked up you are.

Buddy ur scores only went down cuz people started to notice there's a shitty rapper on front page.... And 10 of my songs get a new 0 everyday, so I dno how u have time for that and not enough time 2 diss me cuz apparently you're so much better when I could finish writing a diss in the time u finish droping those 0's.

Ok and as for you mentioning newgrounds, Son STFU and go fuck urself (and by that I mean ur imaginary girl friend) YOU ARE ON HERE TOO..... I rap whenever I get the chance n even if that means it's against my pothead friends, at least it's not against some1 that embarassed me countless times like I've been doing to you

BN out

"I didn't know chilling with your girlfriend means have to go back to school and that's why I don't have time to loose to BN in Canadian"

I don't go to school you fucking child.

"I don't think any1 fails at life that bad that their friends pick a stranger over their friend"

What makes you think it's only my friends with this cd floating around? That's pretty ignorant man.

"And as for the CD, I hope you put a warning sign saying "warning: my horrible rap skills might make ur ears bleed" "

Yeah I gave them the heads up on your tracks already, thanks.

"When before that you said: All I did was provide links to our shit and asked people to vote honestly just to show you how fucked up you are."

Man, like do you honestly want me to believe that? I get a 0 dropped on my track, you're just mad because I've been more involved here than you and when I pick my track back up you can't fucking dent me. I'm not mad. I could sink all your tracks into the 1.50's if I wanted to but I really don't. Your other tracks are "okay" and I don't think they deserve to be shit on by my fuckin' axe so we'll leave it at that if you want.

"I could finish writing a diss in the time u finish droping those 0's."

This is why your stuff isn't all that great though man. Yeah, you can, and you've proven this to me time and time again. But it's the quality dude. You try and spit the whole fucking song in one shot and keep your errors. Start over if you make an error and show some effort.

"Ok and as for you mentioning newgrounds, Son STFU and go fuck urself "

...ok? Newgrounds is just more than some website to me though. This is what I'm trying to say. You're really trying to get the jump on someone in their home turf. I'm not too terribly upset. lol

"(and by that I mean ur imaginary girl friend)"

lol now you're just making shit up to try and get at me.


No shit but I'm not trying to drag out some child's internet beef. The internet is serious business éh brah?

I rap whenever I get the chance n even if that means it's against my pothead friends, at least it's not against some1 that embarassed me countless times like I've been doing to you

Your last 2 tracks against me you weren't even rapping.

Go. Away. Please. T_T

Yeah, you go fuck that imaginary girlfriend of yours!

o, and I just noticed you left a pair of your boxers on my pillow. Hot shit or what. Brittany and I were laughing at that and she said you must've purposely left them here.

Yeah you left your shirt on my bed. The one with that half belt around the mid-section. See ya in 2 weeks ;D

oh and ok, at least you have a gf
the cd shit, i wasnt even talking about who u gave the cd to..... im talkin bout the link sending...
im jus gonna leave the whole warning sign shit alone, since it's childish on both our parts
Now on the voting shit... if you remember the old audio portal where you could only vote once, you'd understand
newgrounds your home terf... "Now get your fucking 16 year old ass off my page, leave with your goddamn tail between your legs and finally fucking realize how big of a goddamn loser you are for trying to drag out an internet beef on Newgrounds.
You are on NEWGROUNDS. "
Buddy stop using newgrounds as an excuse to stop the beef THAT YOU WANTED...............................
No shit but I'm not trying to drag out some child's internet beef. The internet is serious business éh brah?

Ok simply put I hate it when fools start shit and give up before I get to actually try and rip em...
i hate victory w.o attempt, so GET MAD and do something about it, cuz u don't have 2 wait 2 fuckin weeks 2 get fucked by me.... at least I know how to satisfy a woman, just ask ur mom

"Ok simply put I hate it when fools start shit and give up before I get to actually try and rip em..."

What am I supposed to do though man. I PM'd you all sensibly even after you blocked my own personal account. The fact that I had to use my friend's account to actually talk to you and literally ask you to start something up for fucking jokes, is funny in itself.

So basically man, I actually feel chinsed out. What, does it honestly take you 4 weeks to finally "get to actually try and rip em..." I spent some real time and effort on this and you've literally disrespected me by saying "I'm just fucking around and not taking this seriously." right from the get go. I actually wanted to have a real back and fourth battle with some real lyrics. I didn't want to get all fucking emotional and start calling you fucking names in my songs. This is why you didn't even feel insulted.

I WASN'T TRYING TO INSULT YOU. I was fucking trying to have a beat battle. You took it as some sort of challenge to your credibility and intelligence. It became that after you started dicking around and not taking my literal beef request seriously. It was a joke to begin with and now you've ended up with what, 5 fucking tracks against me. Your audio submissions page has my name all over it. Like really, I didn't even put your name in my tracks really except for the tasteful "Decap the Needle" that's pretty fuckin' tame man.

Basically all I wanted here was a rapper who I thought could step up and give me some sort of lyrical challenge and have some fun rippin' eachother up. But lo' and behold my tracks against you get 0 bombed and your get 5'd like usual so yeah, obviously I'll stoop to that level in the sense if you drop a 0 on me I'll only naturally 5 it again to make it even. Fortunate for me yeah I've spent a lot of time here and my vote's worth a bunch. Who fucking cares.

You can't even deny the PM I sent you. I wanted this yeah. You're right. But I didn't want it like this I honestly thought I was calling out a rapper who would take this seriously as an opportunity to better both of ourselves and people would be able to come here and see what tracks we put out. I don't even fucking know you how can I honestly badmouth you about shit I don't even know. Yet you've taken it to that level by attacking me personally rather than on a lyrical level.

So no, I honestly don't feel like wasting my time on another track against you because I actually put time and effort into it regardless of what you say or how you feel about my lyrics. I enjoy doing this. I enjoy coming here as I have for years. It just sucks that you keep trying to get my attention like this and even though it works, yeah you got a response out of me you've done what you wanted to. You got me to spend my time and type this out. But my time's worth nothing anyway.

Look man like I'm sorry if you feel I'm the lesser person for trying to "beef with you" and duck out now before you "got started" but I got started started a long time ago and finished before you even "started" apparently.

It's just rude basically. Beef out I got no problem with you other than you didn't take this seriously. It's Newgrounds, that's what I've been saying and you didn't get it. I mean that because we don't sit around and beef and rep the gangsta shit to that extent. Sure we rap about it but we're just tryin' to get our shit out there. Just wanted a chance to rap against someone and bring 2 people up a bit. But you didn't wanna be part of that and I'm sorry.

Rooby.22s out.

P.S. I'm glad you know so many people with no lives to vote 0(i.e. lvl 20 gf, pussy ass Aaron, your bitch ass and so on and so forth... I know I don't have 2 go on since I know u know that u know more loosers than arcade games

Hey I run this place git mad.

1. um buddy I didn't block any1 ever...
2. the first half of your response is bullshit, like I'm not even gonna go back to it...
3. "I actually wanted to have a real back and fourth battle with some real lyrics"
"I was fucking trying to have a beat battle."
please get your story straight, and if you really wanted some lyrical shit, you shouldn't have written such garbage...
4. buddy I've never 0d your tracks... I gave you 2's soon as I heard em and never voted on them shits again....
5. I dno what battle means to you, but to me it means ripping muthafuckas... w.e is on the mic isn't supposed to affect you if you're asking for a friendly battle... When I battle dudes n friends over here every1 knows what's on the mic isn't meant to be taken off it into real life... although real life can b taken on the mic... which with your smith and weson I guess you didn't know... oh and on that note "I mean that because we don't sit around and beef and rep the gangsta shit to that extent. "
6. "Just wanted a chance to rap against someone and bring 2 people up a bit."
son stop making excuses for your loss... you're just proving u got water in ya brains..... like since when is a battle supposed 2 b happy funland?....

"Hey I run this place git mad."
Indeed you do, now we know why every1's been getting 0s... since u were here since 2004....
BN out

Guess you're right B-N. Sure did teach me the doggone lesson of my life. What ever was I thinking...

one last thing since this is for the good of all of newgrounds, cuz Im guessing ur planing on sticking around, "But lo' and behold my tracks against you get 0 bombed and your get 5'd like usual so yeah, obviously I'll stoop to that level in the sense if you drop a 0 on me I'll only naturally 5 it again to make it even."
to bring a score back up to where it was, you first have to know where it stood without you 5ing daily...... son it's the people listening 2 ya tracks that r voting on em... I heard ya shit once and honestly that was enough 4 my ears and enough for a 2 for each track so please have some decensy and play the game fairly
BN out

Oh look, the track me and Madwigged worked on unknowingly just made it to the top of the charts. Oh, I must suck.

2 songs the same. Ones on the charts and one is not. Guess which one's made it to the charts? The one not on my account. Kind of funny isn't it.

Like, really man whatever. All people will see when they look back on this is a bunch of lower grade tracks and 2 skits of you talking like you've been in a helium den all day. I'm sorry if you were ever offended by constructive criticism man really am.

I wasn't in this to insult you. You got all personal and flew off the handle and I'M not going to play that game. As much as this whole website is a big fuckin' game, morally I wont stoop to insulting you the way you insulted me. I do not know you and I really don't have that right. So when you're saying "I wont try until he actually insults me." ... Man, that wasnt what I was trying to do in the first place. You just gotta chill out dawg.

I really can play this however I want just with seniority. I could make your tracks #1 or I could make someone else #1 I could make the #1 fall off the pages with one click. I could fucking moderate the hip hop charts but I don't fucking care. Obviously I can't "bring my score back up to where it was" or whatever because as soon as my tracks "against you" came out they were immediately 0'd by a barrage of haters all of a sudden. And it's funny how the rest of my tracks were sitting in the 4.0's. That's what I judged it by man. That's where they should've been sitting with the rest of my tracks that had their reflective scores. That's what I judged by.

So like, man I'm sorry you thought I was in this to insult you and turn this into some sort of war. This wasn't "War time" for me. I don't go to war for nobody but myself. This is how you wanted to play this, I didn't drop the first bombs. I've held my rep HERE, this very website. You've been talking about streets and raping mothers n shit. Like, honestly bro you're 16 years old get a grip...

I never meant a literal Smith and Wesson either. Read my lyrics. "Smith and Wessons kick a second bitch you stressin'" for example was about how I dropped a second track while waiting for you to put out your second track. The .22 smith and wesson revolver I mention in my songs is my own goddamn brain dude.

"I'm testin' what you've fought with glocks cocked,
Walkin' blocks doin' nothin' but talk, what a shock."

Read. The. Lyrics. I'm not trying to bring in shit that isn't me here. You've repeatedly rapped about shit that will never happen. I've only rapped about shit that already has happened. That's the difference.

So, whatever man that's all I really gotta say so if you really actually feel the need to keep putting out track to insult me, you're just being a straight up asshole now man. Newgrounds and internet aside, you really are being a prick. And I don't want to play that game.

So fuckit if that means "you win" because I morally don't want to waste my words on someone who just wants to escalate and insult me, I don't need to sit around and waste my time responding lyrically to you. I don't mind sitting down writing these long ass responses because I think you read them. And that already gives me enough respect for you to just throw my hands up and say whatever.

Because I must have done something right to get you to put out as many tracks against me as you did.

Rooby.22s out.

Your mothers a skank who blew me yesterday.

You and Broken-Needle have some things in common then go hang out on his page.

ok as for the 2 songs thing or w.e that's cuz people target you just cuz you targeted me, believe me it's not me bro. And as for the tracks you put against me being low and others in the 4's, not 2 burst ur bubble but people care about beef more than ur work, and if u don't impress ppl then they're not gonna bother with ur other tracks. My tracks keep sinking daily... so tell Aaron if its not u voting 0s that scores don't matter to me, only reason I care about em is for every1 else that is gonna have 2 face this after during or b4 me. Honestly with your smith and weson lines I don't have a clue as to how those lines mean what u say they mean.

Now as for the whole beef issue, I love beef to tell u the truth... it gives me a targets to shape lines, its fun and if it's a challenge it provokes me to step up, and that's how I get better... that's why I insulted ur mom n all that... to provoke you to get mad and put something out to make me actually step up, im sorry if I hurt ur feelings cuz it wasn't worth it in the end since ur quiting.
oh and as for constructive critiscism please I'd love some, cuz I didn't really see any.
Oh and congrats you've gained a lil respect from me from the review u left.

lol well man, if this was meant to step your game up, I wanted to see that. But right from the get go you said I wasn't worth your time and you weren't even trying. So why should I go on based on that alone. If what you say here was true, I woiuld still be going having a good time, but it's a literal waste of time when people don't want to sit through your half of the cd I whipped up. It's embarrassing man.

No my feelings weren't ever hurt, and no I'm not dropping this because of whatever the fuck you think I am. And I know beef tracks sit lower than the rest because they get a closer look. That's why they're cool sittin' where they are. I'm good with that and am satisfied at what came out of it.

I felt I had accomplished enough lyrically on you to end at 3 tracks. If you've been using this to "Step up your game" why has it taken you so many tracks against me to do so?

I just think it's time for you to move on and find someone else to beat battle and get back to rapping here rather than putting out beef track after beef track. Write a song. You've spent so much time here writing about me, and now reading and writing novels back and fourth not realizing you're the one wasting you're time here. You haven't put out a track that wasn't about me in a long while man and people see that. That's why the scores are reflective, because like you said, people look at beef tracks closer than other songs.

Based on your own logic you've proven me right. My beef scores sit lower than my other tracks for that reason. All I ever wanted for you was the same thing you wanted. To just step up ya game. But you've even gone as far to stray from rap and make little play preschool skits about me.

I want to hear you rap again dude pump out a real track about something that isn't RoobyKillAll. Sorry you didn't interpret my lyrics but that's the cool thing about writing. Take what you want from it. You're 1 out of 6 and a half Billion people in the world. I don't care if you didn't understand by brain being compared to a handgun.

Knowledge is the true power.

ok, you're lost beyond reason so im just gonna respond 2 ur handgun brain shit... this isn't a poetry contest where people sit there trying to see what you comparing guns to... even in a poem there are clues as to what you're talking about... that's like saying "your fridge is running" and then saying "what that means is my mind works" like dead ass bro?
Ok ima also comment on the first part of ur "novel" 4 me to step my game up, 1st u gotta pose a threat to me, if I dont think ur up 2 par then im not gonna record shit more than once...
Oh and that little bit of respect u got from me from that review you've just lost by proving u got water in ya brain...

So I flow so cold that it comes out as snow. Don't care.

one last thing, since people love your music so much I've noticed all those (2, 3 or 4) downloads you've been getting, I wonder how you got so good. Son go kill urself, and when I say son I mean it

Snake, you've created a time paradox!

yeah u flow quite nasty like sewer cannals you full of shit

Nah, I just know what's right, so I'm laughing at ya loser child, what you pullin' bitch?

Working on some flow for a collab.

Yo so it's a me a - Luigi
Bustin' on the scene oh so breezy
Believe me I aint leaving without seeing
My brother I aint peacing as I shout screaming

Like a little baby in the shady corners seeking
Something fumbling flashlights maybe, peeping
'Round corners waving at my own reflection
Scoping sections of this place with an obsession

In this old homely place of Devil's ways so
Stay outta my way or I put ya hands to pray
And slay ya ghostly parade with a hurricane
No blades just this vortex sucka that China made?!

Another man would cave on this mission gave
But listen babe it's my bro that's missin'
And you know you just lookin' like a bitch when
You said it was either you or him, if you was wonderin'

He's my brother and aint no others gonna land
Both hands in his plans to rescue him
So it's best if you scram 'cus I aint hesitatin'
No never fakin' as I make this statement

I'm designated to my homies and bro's
so If ya don't know me ya better just go
Befo' I let go and make a Super Mario Bro's 4
Through this stereo we got ho's at the doors

Of this mansion that was haunted moments before.
It's a team enhancin' advancin' in your general direction
Spittin' flower power fire balls deflectin' in your vest then.
So you'd best get goin' this is the shows end

And if you a friend of Bowser's you should know when
Your hour's over don't bother, hit with bulldozers
Behind the controls, not sober, me and my brother
Mario and Luigi with no apparent mother believe me.

'Cus WE the mother fuckin' dream team.
Snuffin' out the competition so damn easy
Messin' with us ends in repetitions of history
My smith and wesson's a game controller, G

And if you aint holdin' these then please
just leave with ya tail between ya knees
Because these highscores even please Socrates
So what you got on me? Just mocking me.

Luigi, Mario and me the three
Delete ya with ease to compete with ya steel
Feel A B Start Select and the pad to direct
Star power get no pain I can feel so test
Your gats to button pads
Will always endin' up bad
Kinda like these mushrooms I just had...

BN got more flow than molasses. True story.

Yeah we could probably publish this story and it'd be at least paper back material right there. Look at all this garb up on my page mang.

war spawn get that dick out ur mouth, and rooby war-spawn's never runs out of flavor does it? not even if its just the lolipop stick